—— 9 months ago · 6 min read ——

Bitcoin mixers and CVC mixing

In an era dominated by digital financial interactions, the need for financial privacy remains a paramount concern for many individuals and businesses. The ability to shield one's financial data helps protect sensitive information and preserve the autonomy of financial decisions.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has just issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that would impose new recordkeeping and reporting requirements on U.S. domestic financial institutions and financial agencies. These requirements relate to transactions where they have knowledge, suspicion, or reasonable grounds to suspect the use of CVC mixing (convertible virtual currency) within or in connection with non-U.S. jurisdictions.

The NPRM purports to increase transparency and compliance within the financial sector, enabling authorities to better monitor and combat potential money laundering and illicit financial activity associated with CVC mixing across international borders. FinCEN's concerns stem from the fact that CVC mixing acts as a formidable barrier, rendering CVC flows virtually untraceable by law enforcement.

However, it is important to recognize that financial privacy is a fundamental right that allows individuals to manage their personal finances discreetly and securely. While CVC mixing may pose challenges for authorities, it also serves as a critical tool for maintaining the confidentiality of financial transactions.

The role of CVC mixers

FinCEN recognizes that there are legitimate reasons why regular users may seek to conduct financial transactions with a high degree of security and privacy. This consideration stems from the vast amount of information accessible on public blockchains, which makes it imperative that individuals have the ability to shield their financial activities from undue scrutiny.

Although FinCEN acknowledges that CVC mixers and Bitcoin mixing may have valid uses, the main point of the NPRM is obviously clear. Not surprisingly, the U.S. government's position underscores its view that CVC mixers primarily serve as a tool for individuals engaged in illicit activities to avoid transparency, launder illicit funds, evade sanctions, and pose a threat to U.S. national security.

From the perspective of a regular CVC user, it's obvious that FinCEN is pushing for more transparency under the guise of combating money laundering. However, a closer look reveals that their underlying concern may extend beyond mere financial security; they appear to be concerned with maintaining surveillance dominance and control over the financial sector. Unfortunately, this push for increased transparency poses a significant risk to the financial privacy of everyday CVC users.

Therefore, it's important to recognize that in addition to the potential misuse of CVC mixers for illicit purposes, CVC mixers primarily serve legitimate purposes, such as enhancing privacy. This is especially important for individuals living under oppressive regimes or those who simply wish to conduct legitimate transactions with an added layer of anonymity.

Many people value their financial privacy for a variety of reasons, and it's not about engaging in illegal activities. The privacy offered by CVC mixer is about maintaining control over their financial decisions and protecting their sensitive information. For everyday CVC users, the ability to transact anonymously provides a critical layer of security in an increasingly digital world.

CVC mixers play a critical role in this scenario. CVC mixing allows users to obfuscate the origin and destination of their digital currency, effectively shielding their financial activity from unwanted scrutiny. This level of anonymity is similar to using cash for in-person transactions and provides a sense of autonomy and security that traditional banking simply cannot provide.

What is CVC mixing?

CVC mixing  is a process that involves facilitating CVC transactions in a manner designed to obscure critical transaction details, including the source, destination, and amount involved in one or more transactions. This concept applies broadly to any category of CVC, including terms such as "digital currency", "cryptocurrency", "cryptoasset", and "digital asset".

The main reason for using CVC mixers is the inherent transparency of most CVC blockchains. These public ledgers maintain a permanent and comprehensive record of all transactions, creating a situation where a person's entire financial history can be exposed. While this level of transparency provides accountability and security in many cases, it also removes the veil of financial privacy that many people value.

To counteract this transparency, anonymity-enhancing tools such as "bitcoin mixers," "bitcoin tumblers," or simply "crypto mixers" come into play. These coin mixing tools are essential for those who wish to protect their financial privacy. CVC mixers provide a valuable service known as "CVC mixing", which is designed to obfuscate transaction information, effectively allowing users to disassociate themselves from the CVC transactions they engage in. The fundamental purpose of CVC mixing is to restore a level of financial privacy that might otherwise be compromised by the transparency of blockchain technology. One of the most common ways to anonymize Bitcoin transactions is to use a CVC mixer.

It's important to note that the use of CVC mixers is not inherently linked to illegal activity; it is a legitimate method for individuals and businesses to protect their sensitive financial information and maintain privacy while sending BTC. The balancing act between transparency and privacy is at the heart of the evolving landscape of digital finance, and CVC mixers play a pivotal role in achieving that balance.

Global use of CVC mixers

Under FinCEN's proposed requirements, it is increasingly likely that CVC mixing transactions will be conducted primarily outside the borders of the United States. To comply with these new regulations, US-based CVC mixers will be forced to use overseas servers to hide their own locations. This is because CVC mixers operating outside US jurisdiction are not subject to US regulation.

The global reach of CVC mixers is evidenced by the fact that not a single CVC mixer is currently officially registered with FinCEN. Registration with FinCEN is required for CVC mixers that conduct significant money transmitter business within the United States, but this law goes against the core purpose of these coin anonymization services. Therefore, CVC mixers often host their servers overseas and use techniques such as The Onion Router (TOR) to disguise the location of their servers, reinforcing their commitment to privacy.

It is imperative to recognize the legitimate role of CVC mixers in protecting true financial privacy in the ever-evolving landscape of digital finance. Regular users have the right to use Bitcoin privately, and while regulators like FinCEN may have legitimate concerns about the potential misuse of CVC mixers for illicit purposes, it's important to emphasize the vital role these tools play in preserving individual autonomy and financial privacy.


CVC mixers provide a shield against the transparency of public blockchains, giving individuals the ability to protect sensitive financial information, conduct discreet transactions, and exercise their right to financial privacy. This is especially important for those living under repressive regimes, for whom CVC mixers can be a lifeline to financial security and personal safety. The legitimate use cases for CVC mixers underscore the need to preserve financial privacy as a fundamental right in the digital age.

Disclaimer: This article does not serve as a piece of financial advice or encouragement and inducement for the usage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its primary role is informative, explanatory, and educational. The readers have to decide themselves whether to use or not to use these types of services.

Further reading

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Crypto mixer demand grows

Recent reports from blockchain analysis firms indicate a growing demand for crypto mixers. Based on the transparent nature of the blockchain, this fact only reflects the growing interest in anonymity. And it's not about money laundering, it's about the fact that why would anyone want to risk exposing their sensitive data when Bitcoin transactions can be easily anonymized.

24 days ago · 5 min read

If the true value of Bitcoin is freedom, why does it need to be regulated?

Regardless of how you see the future of cryptocurrencies, one thing that needs to be urgently addressed is the freedom of Bitcoin, freedom from government and corporate control. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others were born out of a desire to protect our online freedom and, beyond that, our financial freedom. These digital currencies promised a new era in which individuals could transact across borders without the oversight of traditional financial institutions. However, the desire for financial sovereignty is being thwarted by government attempts at regulatory oversight.

1 month ago · 5 min read

Crypto mixers in a surveillance society

The tension between privacy and security has reached a critical point. Following the lead of the United States, the European Union (EU) has begun to crack down on crypto mixers and privacy coins for their ability to make cryptocurrency payments anonymous. This shift marks a significant step towards increased surveillance in the digital realm, raising concerns about the future of privacy in an over-monitored society.

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